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지속가능성 활동의 사회적 임팩트에 관한 정보를 전달합니다.

사회적 기업의 기업가정신과 가치혁신

제목사회적 기업의 기업가정신과 가치혁신
발행기관한국협동조합학회 한국협동조합연구 vol.31, no.3

Social enterprise is defined as a business organization that pursues social innovation by applying market-based strategy to solve serious social problems. Usually most social enterprises are struggling to overcome the economic barriers created by various factors of market failures. Social innovation engines, innovative ideas that resolve the trade-offs between social and economic sides in value creation process, can be strong solutions for social enterprises to escape from their specific socio-economic dilemma. This case study on successful social enterprises deals with social entrepreneurial process and shows that innovation activities in the value creation processes such as marketing, development, operations, and supply chain, make a critical role to develop their social innovation engines. The result will provide social enterprises with management guidelines to design effective business models and to renovate current value chains. 

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